club car connect

for Onward

Drive your personalized golf car on your neighborhood course with Club Car Connect. The Connect display enhances your neighborhood and course experience by reducing range anxiety, giving accurate pin placement, and showing the status of your battery. Listen to your favorite tunes using Connect's available Bluetooth® Speakers on and off the course. Connect is the next evolution of the PTV experience.

Part # 47670557005
US MSRP $1,749

Contact your local dealer to learn more.

connected car features

Built-in Golf Tools and Accessories

No need for other hand held accessories like rangefinders, Club Car Connect provides accurate pin placement so you can measure distance and range from your vehicle. And with built-in Bluetooth Speakers, you can enjoy your personal music collection anywhere your cart takes you.

your car, your course, your way

Your vehicle, on and off the course. Never transfer your gear from one golf cart to another. With Club Car Connect, your personal car can seamlessly integrate to your course’s Visage Golf Experience* fleet. One ride, from your driveway to the final shot of the day.

diagnostics for peace of mind

No need to worry about travel range or battery charge. Club Car Connect displays battery status, speed, and mileage. Engine alerts and drive modes provide an automotive-like experience to your neighborhood drive.

ready to find out more?

Available in these Onward models*

Carrito de golf para 2 pasajeros Onward
Onward para 2 pasajeros
Carrito de golf Onward para 4 pasajeros
Onward para 4 pasajeros

*Visage Golf Experience content available at participating Club Car Visage courses
